Saturday, November 1, 2008

Be Affraid, Be Very Affraid

Happy Halloween and Happy "Yes" on Prop 8 campaigning. Things sure are getting "scary" here in sunny CA as the Prop 8 campaign has been heating up.

What a powerful experience it has been for me and my family to participate in the campaign to pass Proposition 8 which states: "Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California." Who would have thought that these 14 words would evoke such a division among the people of CA.

The ironic thing to me is that the opposition insists that anyone who is for prop 8 is "intolerant" however, I have had several signs (I think I'm up to 10 by now) stolen from my very own front yard all in the name of "tolerance." The time is now to "stand up and be counted."

I am so thankful to have the opportunity to do just that. Many people are worried about "offending" their neighbors. I say, "The only person you need to worry about offending in this circumstance is the Lord." So stand up and be counted on the Lord's side when you vote "Yes" on Proposition 8 to restore traditional marriage.

We can not control others. We can only control ourselves and follow the Lord. Prop 8 may or may not pass. I hope that it does but if it doesn't I will be comforted to know that I, along with many other God fearring people in CA stood on the Lord's side.


Tara Rickards said...

We came home from trick or treating last night and our sign was all ripped up and thrown on our driveway. I put my torn sign firmly back up in my front yard. I think it makes more of a statement that way.

Tiffany said...

Way to go. Yeah, people voting no on 8 are preaching tolerance, but only if you agree with them. Seems a little hipocritical.

Sara-Lynn said...

I am loving your post!! I knew you could do it. As for prop 8, I could take it or leave it. I'm just kidding. I even already voted, so I did my civic duty. Anyways yay for your blog!

shelleyv said...

Hey girlfriend, way to go with the blog and way to go with the post on prop 8.

justjen said...

Well said girl!

Terri said...

Happy to see you here in the blogging world!
"YES on 8" and "Yes to answered prayers! All morning I've thought... faith without works is dead.
I am so happy to call you my friend. :)