1. I go out of my way to drive through BIG puddles when it's raining. Love it!
2. I have been known to jump in puddles (even as an adult).
3. I love to bake cookies, cakes, etc. (and eat them).
4. I always thought I was a little rebel because I drank Coca Cola on the sly (sinful).
5. I had lots of naughty adventures with my best chidlhood girlfriend, Brenda, and used to tell my kids stories about it when they were little. They loved the "Brenda Stories." Hey Brenda, do you remember the empty peanut butter jar, the kid next door and the dog poop? Me too.
6. I ate lunch with Steve Young when we were both at BYU.
7. I drove a stolen car for 2 weeks (didn't know it was stolen).
8. I love to have the occasional "all day movie marathon."
9. I hate to diet and therefore, usually, eat whatever I want. (I pay for this)
10. I rarely read the book for book club and half way joke that I am going to start a "magazine club."
11. I used to dance with my little sister Karen in our bedroom like "solid gold dancers." (Yes, Kim, I do remember them well). One time my future sister in law stayed over and we tried to get her to dance with us too. I think she thought we were a little strange (whateve).
12. I think my kids are the most fun and interesting people to hang out with (and gorgeous).
13. I love animals and would have a bunch if my husband would let me.
14. I love babies and wish that I had more of my own.
15. I think I can do almost anything which sometimes gets me into trouble when I try home "salon treatments." Which is why I tell people, "whatever you do, do not try to wax your own underarms." (That didn't turn out well!!!!!!)
16. I used to highlight all of my friends and their teenage daughters hair and would tell them before I began that "I am not a professional. Your results are not guaranteed. You can not hate me if I ruin your hair." (I'm glad I said that last part because I really "jacked up" a few of my friends)
17. I loved to play "space monkeys" with my brother Scott when we were little. He was my best friend. I miss that. (Cocoa and ChiChi)
18. When I was a child, I loved to climb trees and hated to wear dresses.
19. I always loved to hold babies and would play with any baby I could get my hands on. My friend, Brenda, grew up in a family of 9 and it seemed they always had a baby around the house that I could play with. One time, when I was 5, Brenda and I were playing with her baby sister, Louise, in Brenda's bedroom and we dropped her between the wooden bedframe and the nightstand. She started to cry and we quickly tried to comfort her so that Brenda's mom wouldnt hear her and take her away. (What the heck? Who lets a 5 year old and 6 year old play with a newborn in their bedroom?)
20. My greatest memory of my dad was when he took me to bury my favorite cat, Misty. That is when he became my hero!
21. My brother Keith and I have always teased each other relentlessly. One time my sister, Karen and I joined weight watchers. Keith asked us how much we had to pay each week to be members. We told him 13 dollars. He said, "just come to my house and pay me $13 every week and I can do the same thing they do." "Get on the scale, yep, still fat."
People who don't know us probably think I am really mean because I make jokes about Keith recently becoming blind. (chihuahua, they gave me a stinkin' chihuahua!)
22. I am impulsive. When I was in high school, I gave Jim Francis a wedgie when we were at Aloha roller rink. Unfortunately, I have never been able to live it down. When I met Jim's wife, Terri, in 2003. She said, "Oh, Amy, you're the one that gave Jim a wedgie at the roller rink." ( I wish they knew me as an adult because I am really nice now and tend to think through my impulses a little better) (Truthfully, I'm still a bit impulsive which still gets me into trouble).
23. I am the world's WORST dieter!! Once, Karen and I were at a weight watcher's meeting and someone said something about wanting their pre BABY weight BACK. I just started humming the Chili's ad song, "I want my baby back, baby back, baby back." Right after the meeting, Karen and I went to Chili's for Baby Back Ribs! Terrible!!!
24. I think my husband is amazing!!! He is not afraid to try anything and encourages me to step out of my comfort zone a lot. He is the best traveller because he loves to try new things. I love this about him.
25. I am committed to my religious beliefs. I have a deep love for my Heavenly Father and really do try to be good (even if I can be a little devil sometimes).